
October 21, 2009 at 2:42 pm (SCOM, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, SQLServerPedia Syndication, TSQL) (, , , , )

No, I’m not talking about a Dickens novel. I’m talking about the number of characters in a string. I had a painful time recently because of the word “characters.” 

If you take a look at the dynamic management view sys.dm_exec_sql_text you can get the queries that have been run on your system that are still in the cache. It’s a great utility. Better still, you can get specific statements from the code that are actively running through sys.dm_exec_requests or ones that have run through sys.dm_exec_query_stats. To do this is very simple. Each of these DMV’s has a pair of columns, statement_start_offset and statement_end_offset. These columns, and I’m quoting directly from books online measure the “number of character” offset from the beginning of the SQL string and from the end of the SQL string. Using these values you can retrieve an individual statement out of a stored procedure that has multiple statements.

But… Here’s where things get tricky. Try this on your machine:

SELECT SUBSTRING(dest.text, (der.statement_start_offset ) + 1,
(der.statement_end_offset - der.statement_start_offset) + 1)
,LEN(dest.text) AS CharLength,
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS der
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(der.sql_handle) AS dest
WHERE der.statement_end_offset > -1

You might get an error or you might get a bunch of really odd looking statements in the first column, starting part way into TSQL and cutting off after they’re done or before they’re over. It’ll look odd. But what’s the deal? The SUBSTRING function should work. Logically it’s configured correctly. Here’s the problem.

The [text] column in sys.dm_exec_sql_text is of the datatype NVARCHAR(MAX). Unicode. If you look at the length of the text, it’ll tell you exactly how many characters you see in the string that called to your server. But, the statement_start_offset and statement_end_offset are measuring something different. They’re not measuring characters, they’re measuring unicode characters. Try this query instead:

SELECT SUBSTRING(dest.text, (der.statement_start_offset / 2) + 1,
(der.statement_end_offset - der.statement_start_offset) / 2+ 1),
LEN(dest.text) AS CharLength,
DATALENGTH(dest.text) AS DLength,
DATALENGTH(dest.text) / 2 AS HalfDLength,
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS der
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(der.sql_handle) AS dest
WHERE der.statement_end_offset > -1

You can see that the character length is, whatever it’s supposed to be, but the DATALENGTH is twice that much. Unicode, as we all know, includes a byte to identify the character set. That’s included in the character count in statement_start_offset and statement_end_offset.  You need to take that into account when dealing with these “characters.”

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Missing Index Information and Query Stats

February 12, 2009 at 3:49 pm (SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, SQLServerPedia Syndication, TSQL) (, , , , )

So the goal was to find a way to pull information from sys.dm_exec_query_stats so that we could identify poor performing procedures that were in cache at the moment and combine it with missing index information from sys.dm_db_missing_index_details. We’re combining these because we’re working with a Microsoft Dynamics CRM database that is almost all ad hoc queries and lots of them are against tables with missing indexes. The hope was to identify necessary indexes merely by looking at the longest running queries.

Unfortunately there is no way to combine data from the missing indexes set of DMV’s and all the execution DMV’s that show query stats, execution plan, etc. None of the missing index tables has a plan handle or a plan hash column that would allow you to combine that data with the query data to identify which queries would directly benefit from the index if it were created.

But, if you look at the query plans in sys.dm_exec_query_plan, you can see the missing index information there. What to do? XQuery.

Since the query_plan is stored as XML, simply writing a small XQuery exist() function will do the trick:

FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats s
   CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(s.plan_handle) AS p
WHERE  p.query_plan.exist(
‘declare default element namespace “”;
/ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple/QueryPlan//MissingIndexes’) = 1
ORDER BY s.total_elapsed_time DESC

This is a pretty simple example, and yes, in reality you would not want to use SELECT *.  You would want to specify those columns that you were really interested in. Also, this allows you to get performance information from queries that show a MissingIndexes element in the XML of the showplan,  but I haven’t pulled the Missing Index data out and displayed it. That can be done, but I’ll leave it as homework for you for now (and because I’m still having a hard time with XQuery).

A quick nod to Tim Ford for the advice on the DMV’s. Please finish that book soon.

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2008 Index Fragmentation

December 18, 2008 at 1:26 pm (SQL Server 2008) (, , , , , , , )

I forgot all about this, but a script I wrote on using all the new functionality of dynamic management views & functions to do index defragmentation and rebuilds got published over at SQL Server Central.

It could stand a bit of tweaking, but gets the job done on several of the systems I’ve tested it on so far.

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Dynamic Management Views Put to Work on Blocking

December 3, 2008 at 6:53 pm (SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, TSQL) (, , , , , )

This is my first pass at a modern (2005/2008) blocking monitoring script. I think it’s a decent blocking script to capture information about blocks as they are occurring. Filters can be applied and it wouldn’t be hard at all to add on other information such as execution plans, plan hash, etc.

SELECT  tl.request_session_id AS WaitingSessionID

       ,wt.blocking_session_id AS BlockingSessionID




       ,DB_NAME(tl.resource_database_id) AS DatabaseName

       ,tl.resource_associated_entity_id AS WaitingAssociatedEntity

       ,tl.resource_type AS WaitingResourceType

       ,tl.request_type AS WaitingRequestType

       ,wrt.[text] AS WaitingTSql

       ,btl.request_type BlockingRequestType

       ,brt.[text] AS BlockingTsql

FROM    sys.dm_tran_locks tl

        JOIN sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks wt

        ON tl.lock_owner_address = wt.resource_address

        JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests wr

        ON wr.session_id = tl.request_session_id

        CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(wr.sql_handle) AS wrt

        LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests br

        ON br.session_id = wt.blocking_session_id

        OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(br.sql_handle) AS brt

        LEFT JOIN sys.dm_tran_locks AS btl

        ON br.session_id = btl.request_session_id;

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More Dynamic Management Views: sys.dm_tran_locks

December 2, 2008 at 9:05 am (SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, TSQL) (, , , , , , , )

I’m working on the chapter on blocking in the new book. Explaining blocking of course means explaining locks. Prior to 2005, to understand locks, you went to sp_lock. Not anymore. Now you can query sys.dm_tran_locks. It’s so much more sophisticated than the old system procedure.  Best of all, the information within it is simply a view into the internal locking infrastructure, so you’re not placing extra load or extra processing on the system to marshal this data. A simple query to get basic locking information would look like this:

  SELECT tl.request_session_id







  FROM sys.dm_tran_locks tl

That just outputs roughly the same information as sp_lock. Lots more detail, not available in sp_lock, is available if you need it. Things like resource_lock_partition to identify which partition a lock is on or  request_reference_count which shows how often the same lock has been requested by a given resource. Then, armed with this data, you can go after other dmv’s. Take, for a GLARING example, sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks. Hmmm if we were to combine something that showed locks with something that showed tasks that were waiting, what might you arrive at? BLOCKING!

The BOL shows a neat little query for just such an occasion:

    FROM sys.dm_tran_locks as t1
    INNER JOIN sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks as t2
        ON t1.lock_owner_address = t2.resource_address;

Clearly there is more here to explore. You can even go on to combine these dmv’s with the one’s that show the procedure cache so you can capture the execution plan of queries that are blocking or being blocked. I know dmv’s have been featured in a lot of articles and presentations lately, but I still think lots of people are unaware of just how useful they are. You need to examine this resource further if you’re working in SQL Server 2005/2008. More to come on sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks.

UPDATE: Typo corrected in the first paragraph. Thanks Jack.
ANOTHER UPDATE: More Typo’s corrected in the first paragraph. Thanks Gail

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